Ken Shibata Profile

Kia ora katoa. Ko Ken Shibata toku ingoa. 

My name is Ken Shibata. I am originally from Japan and now I live in Auckland.

I studied accounting at university and worked as an in-house accountant/office admin. After having been confined in a small office alone for a while I realised that I would like to work more with people. Being a teacher has always been in my mind and I am grateful that now I have a chance to become one. 

My main subject is mathematics (junior & senior) and my second subject is Japanese language. Mathematics and language learning are quite similar in that they both require a lot of repetition to get better. My current goal is to learn the way of lessons to make the rote learning more fun. My near-future goal is to learn effectively differentiate my lessons to accommodate mixed ability students in one class. My future goal is to help students experience lots of success in my school.

It seems that high school mathematics (especially statistics) have changed a lot since 20 years ago when I was a year 13 student.  I look forward to learning the changes and new aspects of math education. 

I have started learning te reo Māori. My lessons will be filled with te reo phrases.

Ngā mihi,

Ken Shibata
